BODY-JEWEL – love manifests

bodyjewel Logo 2 piece Jewelry Goldsmith

Handling elements from the universe like metals & minerals is fascinating me since early on. When I was 17, I’ve learned the craft of the goldsmith. Today I find an imperishable language for body and feelings with my jewelry. My forms are reduced, sensuality finds purism, becomes functional, simple and beautiful. I am happy to respond to individual special requests.

Cordially yours,

Siegfried Lucian Ferdinand Büeler

Cymatic Jewelry

Cymatic Jewelry -Jede Materie besteht aus Atomen die in Frequenzen schwingen. Cymatics macht das sichtbar. Wir lieben diese Muster, darum […]

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The Clithanger‘s are coming up. Connect your love body system. I’m convinced, that if everybody had a good connection to […]

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